Current students must be registered and paid online, before taking classes.
New students taking placement classes & drop-ins may be helped at the front desk.
Private lessons must be paid at the time of the lesson. All registration is now conducted online.
Please go to - go to training / tuiton & then go down to register online or go to “more” on the right
Registration fees are due yearly in the Fall or when a new student joins DDC. You may purchase replacement terminology books and water at the front desk. Each level receives the first terminology book at no cost.
Make-ups do not carry over to a new session but may be made up before or afer the absence occurs, in the same level or a lower level class.
No Credit: If a student is unable to make-up a class in the current session, no credit will be given except in cases of major illness or injury.
Other Directives
Performance Opportunities
ALL ages may audition for the Holiday Ballets & the Spring Performance (watch for audition dates). Everyone may sign-up and automatically participate in the School Showcase.
Current students must be registered and paid online, before taking classes.
New students taking placement classes & drop-ins may be helped at the front desk.
Private lessons must be paid at the time of the lesson. All registration is now conducted online.
Please go to - go to training / tuiton & then go down to register online or go to “more” on the right
Registration fees are due yearly in the Fall or when a new student joins DDC. You may purchase replacement terminology books and water at the front desk. Each level receives the first terminology book at no cost.
Make-ups do not carry over to a new session but may be made up before or afer the absence occurs, in the same level or a lower level class.
No Credit: If a student is unable to make-up a class in the current session, no credit will be given except in cases of major illness or injury.
- Evaluations to determine class level placement are free as are trial classes.
- Check out audition times so that your dancer may attend the audition of the production in which he/she would like to participate. Audition information can be found in person at the studio as well as on the website under updates.
- Consider joining the CDB Apprentice Company Auditions and Petite Company Auditions for Level 4 and up, as well as the SAC CIVIC BALLET Auditions for ages 13 and up.
- Everyone may participate in the end of the year Showcase.
- Check expensive items at the front desk or in their personal locker in the Ladies’ Room.
- Stop talking when the teacher enters the classroom.
- Always mark the combinations with the teacher.
- Be respectful to the teacher and fellow students.
- Wear proper dress code daily with neatly done hair.
- Listen carefully to all personal AND GENERAL corrections.
- Take notes of their corrections with a notebook provided by the Deane Dance Center.
- Level 4 & up: if you are late to class, enter quietly and do pliés, tendu & dégagé battement before joining class.
Other Directives
- Dancers must be picked up no later than 10 minutes after his/her class or rehearsal has ended.
- Dancers will be issued a terminology booklet. Replacement fee: $3.00.
- If you do not have a personal locker, please bring your dance bag and valuables into the dance studio with you. Do not leave valuables in the restrooms or hallway.
Performance Opportunities
- December: Holiday Ballets
- February: YAGP
- April/May: Spring Performance
- June: School Showcase
ALL ages may audition for the Holiday Ballets & the Spring Performance (watch for audition dates). Everyone may sign-up and automatically participate in the School Showcase.